Historical Review

  Toward the end of the nineteenth century, young patriotic Verveniotes immigrated to Chicago and founded the Fraternity of Vervena. Because of it's mountainous location and rocky barren land, the small town of Vervena has never enjoyed great wealth and productivity. The town was unable to adequately sustain it's many inhabitants and to provide them with the necessities of life. For this reason, many courageous and daring young men, over 150 in all, left their native land and set out for America in the hope of improving their living conditions.
  In 1901, soon after their arrival in America, they established the Fraternity with a constitution based on their patriotic beliefs. This constitution was designed to include all of the newly-arrived Verveniotes and was given the name <Greek Fraternity of Vervena>. They created an emblem of two hands joined in brotherhood. The initial purposes of the Fraternity were the construction of the church of Panagia and the improvement of the lives of the people of Vervena. Their energetic efforts continued unceasingly resulting in the accomplishment of many cultural and philanthropic deeds.
  In 1926, after a considerable amount of many had been raised, the construction of the church was completed. Quantities of fine marble were added to the structure and the consecration of the church took place with great devotion, formality and pride.
  During the periods of 1932-1934, an elementary school was built in Astros for the children of Vervena. 
Many more projects were accomplished. Because of the generosity of the fraternity, the quality of life and standard of living were raised for all of the people of Vervena. A library, awards for students, bequests, roads, an aqueduct, and monuments were provided for Vervena as well as for the winter residences of Astros, Xeropigado, and Lower Vervena.
  The Fraternity evolved into one of the most illustrious and creative Hellenic-American organizations in Chicago.
The one hundred years of the Fraternities existence shine as an outstanding example of patriotism, courage, and virtue. The Fraternity will continue to lead our youth on the path set by the leaders and pioneers. Future generations will always be proud of the efforts of the Fraternity in America.